Beat the post-Christmas clutter with bespoke shelving

last Christmas chocolate

You’ve finally finished off the last of the Christmas chocolates, all your festive obligations have been fulfilled and now it’s back to reality. But what are you going to do with all the new stuff you accumulated over the festive season? While we all love the traditional exchanging of gifts, you often find yourself looking for space to keep your new books, furnishings, clothes, shoes and of course, all the toys the children have been gifted. 

So if you’ve found yourself going into the New Year feeling a bit cluttered, it might be time to consider some new storage space solutions for your home. But if you’re lacking in space or you don’t just want another generic IKEA shelf shoved up in the living room, bespoke shelving system could be the perfect solution for you. Here’s why. 

alcove bespoke shelving

Create more room 

By choosing to have custom shelving in any room of your house you can reduce clutter and create more space. You might even find you can get rid of your outdated furniture or storage units that are taking up room and consolidate your belongings onto your new shelving units instead. 

Choose the look that suits your home

Many retailers offer adequate ranges of shelving, but you can’t always find the right materials or colours to suit your style. With bespoke shelving or bespoke bookcase from Solid Carpentry, you don’t have to compromise on the look of your home. You can choose from a range of materials until you find the look that’s right for you. 

Bespoke shelving makes the most of your space

The best thing about bespoke shelving and fitted furniture generally is that you can make the most of your existing space and fits perfectly. Whether you’ve been trying to find ready-made shelving to fit in your alcove, or you can’t find shelves long enough to hold all your belongings, you can have your units designed to perfectly fit and make the most of your space. 

You can beat the post-Christmas clutter with Solid Carpentry 

If you’re looking for bespoke storage solutions designed to fit, look no further. No job is too big or small and our friendly, professional team are always on hand to create a unique bespoke furniture design that’s perfect for your home. Contact us today to find out more about the services we offer and how we can help you this year.

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