Tips for Creating a Home Library

integrated home library shelves

Many people dream of having their own home library as it really does feel like such an elegant a luxurious addition to any property, and there is no reason why this wish cannot become a reality for most.

You may think that you need lots of space to be able to house a home library, but you don’t necessarily need a whole room to dedicate to it. With built in bookcases available to fit the space that you have available, no matter what shape or size it is, you could choose to have your library as part of your bedroom, office, or even under the stairs.

Here we share a few tips for creating a home library that we hope will inspire you to have one of your own.

Think about the display

Once you have chosen where in your house you would like the home library to be you can start to think about how your books will be displayed.

Finally, you will have a space where you can show off your collection of literature so it is important that you know whether you’d like rows of shelves that are just one book deep, a selection of nooks in different shapes and sizes, or a combination of the two.

Choose comfortable seating

Whether you are going to have room for just one chair or a number of seating options you need to ensure that they are all very comfortable.

You want your home library to recliners, and footstools are all great options. Plus don’t forget the squishy cushions, soft throws and fluffy blankets too.

Get the lighting right

be somewhere that you are going to be happy to spend lots of time in so big plush armchairs,

No one wants to be struggling to read in poor light, so make sure that you have the best lighting possible in your home library.

The ideal situation is to have overhead lighting that fills the space plus accent lighting created by floor or tables lamps for when you want to read a good book by a softer light, perhaps before bed.

home library book shelves

If these tips have inspired you to make your own home library bookcase don’t hesitate to get in touch and we can help you to create something that is practical, solid and fits your vision perfectly.

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