5 reasons to create a bespoke home office

Bespoke Floating desk

Need a space to work from home?

With more and more employers offering flexible working as an option, working from home is becoming increasingly popular. Many of us have only recently started to work from home but will do so for the foreseeable future as it is not possible to go into the office.

If you’ve found yourself working from home, you might be thinking about setting up a dedicated workspace. But if you are unsure if bespoke home office furniture is the best idea for you, here are five reasons why these can be hugely beneficial for you and your work.

1. Bespoke home office furniture separates your work from personal life 

When you work from home and your laptop is always within reach, it can be tricky to separate your home and work life. You might find yourself sitting on the sofa in the evening, watching a film and simultaneously checking your emails or catching up on some last minute work. By having a dedicated workspace and flexible storage options, you can avoid this crossover and give yourself time to unwind and recharge in the evenings.

2. Shut out distractions 

When you’re working, the last thing you need is the dog fussing for attention or your teenager watching TV at full volume. In your home office you can shut out distractions and get on with your work.

bespoke home office shelves

3. Set business hours and be productive 

One of the difficulties of working from home is that it’s easy to get distracted, doing the housework or end up catching up on last night’s episode of Eastenders and then having to work late into the night to catch up. Having a dedicated space gives you a place to work and means you can have set hours that you’re in the office, which will help you to stay productive.

4. Store your important work documents 

You don’t want confidential or important documents lying around on the coffee table for anyone to read (or spill coffee on!). If you’ve got an office, you have a secure and dedicated place to store important work documents and devices, you can even get a lock put on the door to keep out any prying eyes if you wish.

5. Prevent back pain from sitting on the sofa 

Finally, not so much the office itself but having a proper desk and chair in your home office space can really help to save your back and look after your body. Trying to work for hours on end slumped over the sofa isn’t going to be good for your bones or joints!

Contact us today to find out more about furniture design and how Solid Carpentry can help you.

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