Why should you consider custom built wardrobes?

Custom built wardrobes have become increasingly popular in recent years – and with good reason! They help you to create your perfect storage solution and can be designed to suit your style. So whether you’re moving house or you’ve decided to give your bedroom some much needed TLC, a custom fitted wardrobe could be just what you need! 

But if you’re unsure whether this is the right approach for you, we’re here to help! We’ve put together our expert insights to bring you four top reasons why you should consider a bespoke fitted wardrobe for your bedroom or home office. 

1. Tailor your wardrobe to meet your needs 

Is your store bought wardrobe bursting at the seams? Or are you fed up of trying to think of efficient ways you can make use of the small space between your wardrobe and the wall? Perhaps you’ve had enough of your unsightly belongings being left on show because you don’t have enough space to store them? If any of this sounds familiar, a custom designed bespoke wardrobe could be the perfect solution for your bedroom. 

Store bought wardrobes can be great, but let’s face it they don’t always have all the shelves, rails and drawers you want, and they certainly don’t make the most of your bedroom space.

By choosing a fitted wardrobe with bespoke design you can add whatever features you like to really make it work for you, for example if you wear suits to work every day, a bespoke wardrobe that has plenty of room for all your shirts, jackets, ties and shoes would be ideal. Plus, you can maximise any space, not matter how small or awkward you may think it is. 

2. Choose the style that suits you 

This is your bedroom, it’s the place you relax and unwind. Therefore whatever furniture you choose needs to look great and reflect your style. Custom built wardrobes offer a wide range of materials and finishes so you can make sure you’ve got the wardrobe you’ve always dreamed of. Plus you can choose to model the wardrobe around your existing bedroom, or you can make it the centre of attention and model the rest of your bespoke fitted bedroom around your exciting custom fitted wardrobe. 

3. Make the most of your wardrobe doors

If you’ve got a small bedroom you really will want to make the most of the space. Choose sliding doors means you don’t have to worry about creating enough space to open and shut your cupboard as you normally would. This means you can be more creative with its positioning in the room. Not only this, but you could also choose mirrored doors to really open up the space and add light to the room.  

4. Create something that will last  

Finally, store bought wardrobes are usually made from cheaper materials that are mass produced for retailers. And while there is a great sense of satisfaction that comes from successfully putting together a flat pack wardrobe, this quickly disappears when the feet collapse a month later.

custom built wardrobes ideas

Having a custom built wardrobe means it will be made from the best materials and put together by industry experts. As such, it will be more durable and longer lasting. This is particularly great news if you’ve just bought a house and you’re not planning on moving for a very long time! 

Are you thinking about choosing a custom fitted bedroom wardrobe? Contact us today to find out more about the services we offer at Solid Carpentry.

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