The Fascination With Secret Door Bookcases

Bookcase with secret door

It isn’t very often that you find an item of furniture that is both fun and functional. When you have a secret door bookcase installed in your house you can be sure that it won’t only be a practical addition to your home, but will be a talking point with your guests too.

Secret door bookcases may seem like the type of feature that you would only find in movies, so you may be surprised to learn that they can actually be built into your home as an alternative option to a regular bookcase.

With the functionality to store all of you books and decorative items, these secret bookcases will also hide a door which leads into a room that you may not want people to know about, or perhaps you’d just like it as a novelty to impress friends and family, because it is highly unlikely that they would have seen one before!

So what is the fascination with bookcase doors and secret rooms? We do believe that it has a lot to do with the fact that they are very rarely found in a home so come with an exclusive feel, and who doesn’t want a feature that feels like it comes straight out of a movie?


Openable secret door bookcases


The more practical option for them is that if you have a space that you really want to keep private, such as a home office for example, the bookcase front will certainly deter people from thinking that there could possibly be something hidden behind it, which means that all of your work will be safe from prying eyes

If you are hoping to have secret door bookcases installed in your home it is vital that it is built with safety and durability in mind so that you can be confident that the structure is solid and it will last for many years.

The best way to ensure that this is the case is to have the feature built by a trusted company like Solid Carpentry. With amazing attention to detail and exceptional craftsmanship, we can produce a hidden door bookcase that you will be delighted with.

Contact us today to get more information about bespoke fitted furniture.

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